Avoid politics
Do not play games. If you criticize someone, you should be willing to tell the same stuff also in front of them or to their face. If you tell the same stuff to everyone in personal or professional life, in… Read More »Avoid politics
Do not play games. If you criticize someone, you should be willing to tell the same stuff also in front of them or to their face. If you tell the same stuff to everyone in personal or professional life, in… Read More »Avoid politics
“Mnohí z nás každý deň robia niečo a majú pocit, že iba ukladajú tehly. Podľa mňa by sme mali vedieť, prečo tú vec vlastne robíme a prečo nám to dáva zmysel. Potom ľahšie vydržíme, potom môžeme byť aj húževnatí” https://e.dennikn.sk/4184778/robenim-viac-neurobite-vzdy-viac-vravi-jakub-ptacin-a-vybera-knihy-o-podnikani-a-biznise/
[Jocko Podcast] 423: Your Personality May Keep You From Surviving. “Psychological Aspects of Survival” #jockoPodcasthttps://podcastaddict.com/jocko-podcast/episode/170606788 via @PodcastAddict
I tend to listen to a lot of podcasts and videos while working. Usually it serves as a radio but with more interesting and curated content. It has many upsides. If I do a boring task, it is not as… Read More »Keeping focus
Aren’t you tired? Why? Have you slept enough? Is your diet ok? Have you exercised? Aren’t you stressed? Why? Some task bothering you? Some person? Deadline coming? Aren’t you content? Why? Relationship issues? Bad job? Sickness? Something hurts? It is… Read More »Are you well?
If you want to buy something all of a sudden, do you really want to buy it, or are you avoiding boredom, or are you just stressed? The same can be applied to drinks, cigarettes, food, or any other vice.
Getting better is hard. It takes daily effort. Exercising, learning, practicing. Getting worse is easy. Sickness hits you. You forget something. The world changes around you. But the more you work on getting better, the less will getting worse set… Read More »Getting better vs. getting worse
“The gap in comprehension wasn’t due to a lack of ability but rather a gap in prerequisite knowledge. So here’s a gentle reminder: You’re not dumb—you just might not have all the prerequisites yet.” https://lelouch.dev/blog/you-are-probably-not-dumb/
If you do not have a strategy, you are stuck. You do not know where you are, where are you heading, what you need to solve to get there. If you have a bad strategy, maybe you have wrongly identified… Read More »Bad strategy is better than no strategy
[Hidden Brain] Where Do Feelings Come From? #hiddenBrain https://podcastaddict.com/hidden-brain/episode/169468807 via @PodcastAddict