Recommended Read: The 100 or so Books that shaped a Century of Science
Here is my Top 10 books I have read in 2024.
This is the best explanation of why you need to delegate work I have read so far “Imagine Pat and Mat and Superman meeting on a deserted island. They catch fish so they don’t die from starving, while building a… Read More »Division of Labor and Delegation
For some time I like to find various top charts of movies, music, books and others and just consume the top stuff. The best way is to start with best rated (e.g. IMDB). Next is follow curated lists (best books… Read More »Finding the great stuff
This is something I hear a lot. It is simply not true. To read 10 pages you need 10-20 minutes. If you do this daily, you read 300 page book in a month. It is one trip by public transport.… Read More »“I do not have time to read books”
I have listened to a rap battle style song yesterday (linked below) about all the low quality stuff you can find on the internet and how people have bad taste and low requirements on celebrities and art. One bar stands… Read More »“Mine song is not complicated, you are just low IQ”
In 2023, I have managed to read 101 books, although I have to admit there were a lot of short children ones. Average book length was 114 pages, so it is still about 52 average books a year, which is… Read More »My 2023 in Books
Since 2015, I have tried to read about a book a week (52 a Year). So far, so good. 2022 was a year when I had to read some children’s books after a while. At first, I was skeptical and… Read More »My 2022 in Books
Zaslúžil si Mach trest smrti? Kto to vlastne bol? Bol Slovenský štát fašistický? O tomto a o mnohom ďalšom sme sa bavili na našom knižnom klube o knihe Alexander Mach. Radikál z povolania od Antona Hruboňa. Ak sa chcete do… Read More »NTECast #75 – Knižný klub #14 – Alexander Mach. Radikál z povolania
Ako vyzeralo Slovensko po páde komunizmu? Bolo vtedajšie nadšenie z kapitalizmu na mieste? Čo si mysleli Japonci o Slovensku? O tomto a o mnohom ďalšom sme sa bavili na našom knižnom klube o knihe Moji milí Slováci od Jula Satinského.… Read More »NTECast #74 – Knižný klub #13 – Moji milí Slováci