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Odporúčané čítanie: Odvolaný riaditeľ SND Drlička: To, čo stvára Martina Šimkovičová, už začína byť nebezpečné pre celú krajinu

“Kedy ste sa dozvedeli, že už nie ste generálnym riaditeľom Slovenského národného divadla? Dozvedel som sa to dnes ráno, keď mi doma zazvonil zvonček. Otvoril som dvere a za nimi stála úradníčka ministerstva kultúry s dvoma 100-kilovými chlapmi. Oznámila mi,… Read More »Odporúčané čítanie: Odvolaný riaditeľ SND Drlička: To, čo stvára Martina Šimkovičová, už začína byť nebezpečné pre celú krajinu

My 2023 in Movies

I have not seen that many movies last year, but I saw a couple of great ones. Here is the top 10. Life Is Beautiful (1997) The only thing I regret about this movie is, that I have not seen… Read More »My 2023 in Movies

My 2023 in Books

In 2023, I have managed to read 101 books, although I have to admit there were a lot of short children ones. Average book length was 114 pages, so it is still about 52 average books a year, which is… Read More »My 2023 in Books

My 2023 in Music

This was an interesting year for me. I have listened to a lot of classical music thanks to Pulitzer prize winners list and found some masterpieces, I have discovered the charm of Eurovision and listened to 2948 artists, 4487 albums… Read More »My 2023 in Music