
Recommended Watch: An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet’s Ensh*ttification – Cory Doctorow
Cory Doctorow being an old man about the stat of internet
Recommended Watch: Translating Videos Including Lips Movements
Amazing demo from HeyGen of AI translating video to different language including the lips movement to make it look like you actually speak the language

Odporúčané Pozeranie: Marek Orko Vácha – A přece se točí!
O (i)racionalite
Recommended Watch: How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk
This is my favorite talk about nothing

Recommended Watch: Submarine Cables and the Rise of Mass Surveillance
Johnny Harris on mass surveillance

Recommended Watch: When Will China Invade Taiwan?
If Russian invasion of Ukraine got you scared, do not watch this. E.g. China has built a Taiwan government building in the middle of the desert to train invasion.

Recommended Watch: Why 80% of Saudi Arabians Live Within These Lines
Amazing look into “the most artificial civilization that ever existed”
Recommended Watch: Bruegel: Birth Of A New Genre
Why did artists start to paint ordinary people?