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Metod Rybar

Recommended Read: The Politics of Place – Why Proximity Makes Progressives

Is the fact that people living in more populated areas are in general more “progressive” or “left” oriented just a correlation, or is there some causal link? This article looks into this Snippets “Whatever her motivating concern, she is… Read More »Recommended Read: The Politics of Place – Why Proximity Makes Progressives

Recommended Listen: Man Up: Gender in the Middle Ages

Debunking some myths about gender in the Middle Ages [The British History Podcast] 143 – Man Up: Gender in the Middle Ages #theBritishHistoryPodcast via @PodcastAddict

Recommended Read: Teaching McLuhan: Understanding Understanding Media | enculturation

Nice article trying to summarize the book Understanding Media from Marshall McLuhan Snippets “wheel extends our feet, the phone extends our voice, television extends our eyes and ears, the computer extends our brain, and electronic media, in general, extend… Read More »Recommended Read: Teaching McLuhan: Understanding Understanding Media | enculturation

Recommend Listen: The Best Managers Are “Connectors”

Interview with Sari Wild about why managers should connect employees for coaching instead of trying to do it all themselves [HBR On Leadership] The Best Managers Are “Connectors” #hbrOnLeadership via @PodcastAddict