Recommended Read: How the Moon became a place
“A place is a collision between human culture and physical space.”
“A place is a collision between human culture and physical space.”
It is hard to talk with people that do not read. They have banal thoughts. You cannot even start developing more serous thoughts if the greatest ideas you have ever encountered were your own. The easiest thing you can do… Read More »Banal conversations
“I can’t stress enough how bad this is. In a world drowned in manipulative advertising, your circle of friends and colleagues you know personally is your last source of trustworthy recommendations.”
For a lot of things, common sense is enough. But for some, you need some data and context. For example, vitamin D deficient people are more often sick. Common sense would tell you, that taking vitamin D supplements will make… Read More »Simple solutions and common sense
[Jocko Podcast] 446: Using Asymmetric Warfare To Even The Odds In Competition #jockoPodcast via @PodcastAddict
“Blogging forces clarity. It makes you structure your thoughts, sharpen your perspective. You stop writing fluff because — let’s be honest — you’re writing for yourself. And if you can’t keep yourself interested, nobody else stands a chance.”
[The Art of Manliness] The Sunscreen Debate — Are We Blocking Our Way to Better Health? #theArtOfManliness via @PodcastAddict
Na toto predstavenie som sa celkom tešil. Mám rád históriu a história židov na Slovensku je fascinujúca. Obdobie tragického Slovenského štátu navyše prináša možnosti na drámu a silné príbehy. Namiesto silných príbehov som však zažil silnú alternatívu. Miestami som začínal… Read More »Pressburger Fight Club (5/10) – DPOH