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ProLinks Biometrics #49 – How biometrics is making spying hard

In this edition the highlight for me is an article from Yahoo news about the trouble spy agencies are in because of biometrics and surveillance (I love irony). Other than that, you can read about reducing friction or using biometrics to track police (again, I love irony). Enjoy!


How biometrics has changed spying

Biometrics at borders control, using it to issue documents or checking at hotels is making work of spies using fake identities hard to impossible, depending on a state. For example, Singapore will alert security forces if somebody is taking too long to check into a hotel. Read the linked article to find out much more.


Reducing friction

Nowadays is all about the user experience and friction or the lack of it. User do not like to make unnecessary actions to accomplish something. Reducing friction is mostly great, but there are also downsides, as overusing social networks.

Making sure that policemen are working

Police forces in Philippines and Canada are starting to use biometrics attendance systems, to make sure, that policemen are working and are where they are suppose to be.

US is fighting AI regulations

While EU countries or Canada are trying to come up with a common AI regulation framework, USA is pushing back and arguing, it will put the West into a disadvantage compared to countries like China.

UK investing to biometrics logins

NHS in UK wants to deploy biometrics logins to safe time when accessing their computer systems (15 of them). They expect cutting down login time from 1 minute 45 seconds to just 10 seconds.

Digital ID and Africa

There is a lot going on in Africa right now regarding digital identity and humanitarian programs. For a summary check out this article.


Are black box models worth it?

While black box models can be more accurate (depending on how you define or meassure accuracy), they can lead to unforeseen consequences or bad decisions, exactly because we do not understand how they make the decisions.

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